Satpuda College of Engineering & Polytechnic, Balaghat Approved By AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated By RGPV Bhopal & DTE MP
Welcome to the Library of Satpuda Polytechnic
The college library is an important hub of campus life. There, you can check out books, conduct your research, find a quiet place to study, and maybe even flip through a magazine. What’s more, today’s college libraries extend their reach out into the Internet, making many services and resources accessible right from their websites. But how are students using this great wealth of resources? To better understand college students’ study habits, we wanted to explore how, and why, they use their school’s library.
So, in our Spring 2015 Student Engagement Insights survey, we asked: What do you do when you’re at your college library? Nearly 2,00 students responded. Here are their top four reasons for spending time there.
Welcome to the Library of Satpuda Polytechnic
Of course, the college library offers many benefits beyond the four explored above. Review the complete set of responses to discover more about students’ library habits. Then, consider how you might prompt your students to make full use of the valuable services and resources offered at your school’s library.
Even if your course is fully online, your students can still find ways to use the library’s services, whether by accessing databases from home, requesting books through interlibrary loan, chatting with an online librarian, or using the library’s website to discover videos, tutorials, and other tutorials that will help them conduct their research efficiently and effectively.
The Importance of Libraries for College Students
The Library Many students are faced with research, essays, and presentations during their high school or college years. Obtaining a firm understanding of the subject matter can be tedious and complicated. By providing students with the essentials of learning such as, books, tutoring, and computers, the library proves to be an excellent resource. All libraries have one resource in common, books. When a student is writing a report or even a debate factual information is sometimes required. Reference books include dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, and many more.
Reference books give a detailed definition or explanation of the subject frequently a history is also provided. In addition to these materials, most libraries usually display recent copies of popular magazines. Magazines offer current world news and entertainment. Research and opinion columns are also included. Besides reference books and magazines, fiction and non-fiction can also be found at the library. Common to most college libraries tutoring is readily available. The quiet atmosphere.
Library Books List
List of Library Books – Satpuda College of Engineering
~ Please click on above link to view list
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